Know your build

Table of Contents


You Know Nothing, Jon Snow. — Ygritte

The word maven comes from the Yiddish meyvn, meaning one who understands. You can think of Meyvn as:

  • A build tool
  • A wrapper for Maven
  • A tools.deps extension.

Meyvn generates uberjars (executables) and jars (libraries), and deploys them on remote servers, Clojars, etc.

Meyvn is also an integrated development environment that builds upon the nREPL ecosystem and Emacs (there is an Emacs Lisp client).

Finally, Meyvn offers fully fleshed quick-start templates covering general Clojure development, web development, etc.


  • Use deps.edn as single source of truth.
  • One command to do it all: compile, package, install on a remote server, etc.
  • Standalone and lightweight. It only depends on Java and Maven (not even Clojure).
  • Ability to selectively shrink uberjars
  • Leverage the Maven ecosystem
  • Include a good Clojurescript story: official compiler, shared aot cache, all options available to user, etc.
  • Sustainable open source with dual licensing scheme.

Read more.


Meyvn requires Maven. Interestingly, Meyvn does not require Clojure. Neither a Clojure installation nor the official CLI tools. This is because Meyvn relies on Maven for pulling core dependencies (it's turtles all the way down). If you do have Clojure installed, you can install Meyvn with our easy installer. Otherwise, please follow the manual installation instructions.

Easy installation

Copy and paste the following command in your terminal:

clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.meyvn/meyvn-installer {:mvn/version "1.5.6"}}}' -M -m meyvn-installer.core

Manual installation

  • Download Meyvn to your local repository
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.6.1:get -Dartifact=org.meyvn:meyvn:1.8.0
  • Create a new shell script in your path.
$ touch /usr/local/bin/myvn
  • Edit your newly created shell script with the following.
$ cat /usr/local/bin/myvn
java -Dmaven.home=/usr/share/maven -jar ~/.m2/repository/org/meyvn/meyvn/1.8.1/meyvn-1.8.1.jar "$@"

maven.home is a Java property that points to Maven's home, ie. the root of your Maven installation. Find out Maven's home by typing mvn --version in the terminal.

Note: Maven can run without this environment variable on the command line, but the Maven Invoker APIs require it to be set explicitly.


Without argument, Meyvn will launch a ANSI-based GUI in the terminal. If no project is found in the current directory, it will offer templates to choose from. Those templates are typical starter projects. If a project is found in the directory, Meyvn will display various options. The GUI is a work in progress.

The standard Maven lifecycle phases and goals are passed as arguments. There’s documentation, too.

For example:

myvn compile 


myvn package


myvn deploy

You can also chain publishing goals, just like in Maven:

myvn clean clojure:test install

Debugging the build

If you see errors with the build, run myvn -x pom. This will persist Meyvn’s pom file. You can now run mvn on it and debug as you normally would in Maven.

mvn <goal>


Configuration is stored in meyvn.edn, which will be created in the root of your project on first run with default settings. Aside from the :pom key which captures the project coordinates and is always used, the other keys can be enabled or disabled as needed.

How does it work?

tools.deps has the ability to translate a deps.edn file into a pom file (clj -Spom). Meyvn starts off from that pom file and augments it with features that make sense for Clojure workflows. Meyvn’s pom file is transient and does not interfere with POM files that may already be present in your project.

POM lein pom clj -Spom myvn -x pom
compilation (clj)
compilation (cljs)
native image (graalvm)
obfuscation (proguard)
javafx (plugin)
gpg signing (plugin)
deploying (plugin)
build plan (plugin)
minification (css + images)
data reader support
jpro (plugin)
jpackage (plugin)
appimage (plugin)

Maven is invoked via an API (Apache Maven Invoker) and can be passed all lifecycle phases or goal it supports.

Clojurescript sources are compiled and included in the final artifact. Clojurescript compilation is done in its own process with the official compiler.


Consider the following deps.edn file:

{:paths ["src/clj"]
 :deps {org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "0.4.474"}
        ring {:mvn/version "1.6.3"}
        compojure {:mvn/version "1.6.1"}}
 :aliases {:cljs {:extra-deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.238"}
                               reagent {:mvn/version "0.8.1"} 
                               secretary {:mvn/version "1.2.3"}}
                  :extra-paths ["src/cljs"]}}}

The Clojurescript-side of the mixed project is cleanly segregated. The :cljs alias is used when compiling the *.cljs files, but not when assembling the uberjar, helping to keep the latter small. You tell Meyvn to use this alias in the meyvn.edn configuration, under the cljs -> tools-deps-alias keys.

If there is a resources folder in the base directory, it will be included in the build.

Meyvn uses the Apache Maven Shade Plugin in order to build uberjars.

Shading dependencies is the process of including and renaming dependencies (thus relocating the classes & rewriting affected bytecode & resources) to create a private copy that you bundle alongside your own code. But the shading part is actually optional: the plugin allows to include dependencies in your jar (fat jar), and optionally rename (shade) dependencies.

Meyvn gives you access to the exclusions facility provided by the Shade plugin, equivalent to Leiningen’s uberjar-exclusions or Boot’s standard-jar-exclusions.

:excludes {:artifacts ["org.clojure:google-closure-library"]
           :filters ["META-INF/*.MF" "META-INF/*.SF" "META-INF/*.DSA" "META-INF/*.RSA"]}

Note that you don’t need to exclude INDEX/LIST as this is built-in by the Shade plugin.

Additionally, Meyvn allows you to exclude artifacts. For example, sometimes the Closure library is pulled by a transitive dependency and lands in your final uberjar. With Meyvn you can prevent that.

Data readers are merged with a custom transformer that knows how to merge EDN maps.

Regular jars

Libraries uploaded to Clojars are typically non-aot, source-only jars. Uploading to Clojars follows standard procedure. Private repositories are supported as well. For example, to upload an artifact to, adjust the remote repository setting in the jar section of meyvn.edn.

:distribution-management {:id "deps"
                          :url ""

In all cases, use settings.xml for storing your credentials, or refer to Maven for password encryption.

Pom files

Meyvn works with its own set of pom files. It isn’t bothered with existing pom files in your project directory. This is by design. The single source of truth is deps.edn. Together with the configuration (in meyvn.edn), it knows all that it needs to know.

The added benefit is that you can continue to maintain a pom file if you are already using a Maven workflow.

Dependency mechanism

The transitive dependency mechanism used by Maven is guided by the nearest wins conflict resolution strategy. This allows for resolution of individual conflicts: for any particular conflicting dependency, you can specify its version within your own POM, and that version becomes the nearest.

Note that if two dependency versions are at the same depth in the dependency tree, until Maven 2.0.8 it was not defined which one would win, but since Maven 2.0.9 it's the order in the declaration that counts: the first declaration wins.

You can use dependency convergence, forcing the build to fail on transitive dependencies that are not on the same version.


Consider the following deps.edn file.

{:paths ["src"]
 :deps {
   clj-time {:mvn/version "0.14.2"}
 :aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
                  :extra-deps {org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}}}}}

Again, please note the best practice of segregating paths and dependencies with aliases. To run your tests with Meyvn, make sure the relevant section in meyvn.edn looks like this:

:testing {:enabled true
          :tools-deps-alias :test}

Then run:

$ myvn clojure:test

The build will abort in case of errors.

Interactive coding

$ myvn -a nrepl

This will start a nREPL server with Cider middleware that you can connect to with nREPL clients.


In Maven, profiles are used to parameterize builds, not the runtime environment of the executable. There are good reasons for this, but this means that after your build is done, you can't just run the executable (if it needs environment variables to be set). First you need to make sure the environment is set up properly.

Meyvn can help with that. When you enable the profiles section, Meyvn will create a Maven profile in the transient POM, and under each profile (for example, staging or production), it will write a standard edn map describing your environment into standard java properties.

(We leverage the fact that custom properties can be defined under any profile.)

On your staging/production server, those properties will be accessible in the pom alongside your jar in the local repository.

Meyvn doesn't want to force you to install clojure or Meyvn on your servers, but if you do, you can use it to list those properties and pipe into a script in typical UNIX style.

$ myvn -x list -a -p production

The -a switch is for artifact (in Maven coordinates) and -p is for profile.

The script could, typically, massage the properties into environment variables. How you use them depends on your final command output, really. The last mile is context-dependent.

In the absence of Meyvn on the server, you can get the properties via the Maven helper plugin.

$ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.1.0:all-profiles "
$ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.1.0:evaluate

Finally, Meyvn has built-in support for runit, the UNIX init scheme with service supervision. The following command will write the environment in the format expected by runit under the path specified by the -t argument.

#+BEGINSRC sh myvn -x write -a -p production -t /opt/foo #+ENDSRC sh

Auxiliary commands

Meyvn runs with the same interface as Maven. Goals and lifecycle phases are being passed to it as you would with standard Maven. The -x flag changes the mode of operation and allows you to run specialized tasks.

Simply run myvn -x to see what is available. Currently, Meyvn can generate the POM file, list newer versions of dependencies, show platform information. More functionality is to be expected.

Will it work?

It should work for the typical Clojure workflows. Please feel free to contact me in private if you want help solving your company’s build workflow.

Feel free to open issues regarding the supported workflows. New workflows will be added under commercial agreements.


The takeaway for Meyvn is that building on top of the Maven ecosystem is rewarding. It is a huge ecosystem, well documented and extremely mature. A lot of functionality just sits there, waiting to be tapped by our tooling (in areas such as continuous integration, generated documentation, testing, reporting, etc.)

The plan is to have more features as companies sponsor them. Those features will be fed back to the OSS version.

What about Boot and Leiningen?

Boot and Leiningen can also produce artifacts, and they also provide development-time workflows and extension mechanisms. They are fine, too. In other words, there is no competition, only complementary options.

Sustainable open source

We as a community know how to write open source software, but we are less knowledgeable in how to make that activity sustainable. With Meyvn, I’m attempting to lead a sustainable Open Source project. That means that Meyvn is dual licensed, with a commercial license available for sale.

The LGPLv3 licensed community version will always remain free and available to all parties. However, companies who use Meyvn in their operations are expected to acquire a commercial license.

At this stage, I am interested in users who can relate with the mission statement, for whom finding ways to do sustainable OSS is a shared value and not mere lip service.


Meyvn is released under a dual licensing scheme.

Meyvn is an Open Source project licensed under the terms of the LGPLv3 license. Please see for license text.

Meyvn Enterprise has a commercial-friendly license allowing private forks and modifications of Meyvn. Licensees get a build of Meyvn with commercial features. Additionally, licensees get access to email support.

Please contact me for more details.


Writing and maintaining Open Source Software takes time and effort. Be a mensch. Be a maven. Patronize Meyvn.


Author: Daniel Szmulewicz

Created: 2024-07-24 Wed 19:18
